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guidance for 意味

"guidance for"の例文


  • 指針{ししん}
  • guidance     guidance n. 指導, 案内. 【動詞+】 get guidance from a government agency
  • for guidance    指針{ししん}として
  • guidance     guidance n. 指導, 案内. 【動詞+】 get guidance from a government agency 政府の部局から指導を受ける give valuable guidance in… …について貴重な指導を与える She gave him guidance in how to pass the exam. 彼に試験の合格法を指
  • guidance on    ガイダンス
  • active guidance    active guidance アクティブ式[自動車]〈94D6801:無人搬送車システム―用語〉
  • adequate guidance    十分{じゅうぶん}な指導{しどう}
  • administrative guidance    administrative guidance 行政指導 ぎょうせいしどう
  • aircraft guidance    航空機誘導{こうくうき ゆうどう}
  • amenable to the guidance    《be ~》指導{しどう}[指図{さしず}]に従う
  • audio guidance    音声{おんせい}ガイダンス
  • axon guidance    軸索{じくさく}ガイダンス
  • career guidance    キャリア?ガイダンス、職業指導{しょくぎょうしどう}、進路指導{しんろ しどう}
  • celestial guidance    天文航法{てんもん こうほう}
  • character guidance    人格教育{じんかくきょういく}
  • child guidance    児童相談


  • i'm here to offer you guidance for the road ahead .
    あなたに前途の 指導を提示する為にここにいる
  • i ... i have done wrong guidance for you natsuo .
    私... 今まで 夏生君に 間違った指導をしてきました。
  • no track number has been set as guidance for station users .
  • he was invited from the saga domain and gave technical guidance for arita ware in 1869 .
  • gyotoku also received a kaio nukina ' s guidance for calligraphy in kyoto prefecture .
  • at the age of 14 , gyotoku received a kinjo kanae ' s guidance for nanga (a school of painting originating in china ).
  • more specifically , guidance for cultivation technique is given , or grants , subsidies and so on are provided by the municipality .
  • more specifically , guidance for cultivation technique is given , or grants , subsidies and so on are provided by the municipality .
  • concerning planting trees and providing guidance for farming , there also exist projects participated in by private bodies , such as non-government organizations .
  • among these nations , cooperation has been made concerning aid for observation instruments and funds concerned , and cooperation has been also made about planting trees and providing guidance for farming .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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